There will be times when you partner with a classmate and give each other a case. How do you ensure that it is not the blind leading the blind? How do you make sure that you are giving good feedback and not passing on bad habits. I have developed a Case Review Sheet that you can download for free at CaseQuestions Exchange.
It has 20 things you can look for when giving a case. All of this is in Case in Point 10.
Did the student…
- Summarize the question?
- Verify the objective(s) Ask if there are any other objectives?
- Ask clarifying questions?
- Layout a complete structure? Was it MECE?
- State a hypothesis? (Important in an interviewee-driven case).
- Draw his notes so they were easy to read upside down?
- Turn his notes towards you and walk you though his thought structure?
- Keep well-organized notes? Can you read his handwriting?
- Quantify related numbers as percentages?
- Ask for numbers?
- Crunch numbers without mistakes? Create math shortcuts?
- Ask for trends?
- Ask probing questions?
- Identify relevant data from smoke?
- Ask for missing data?
- Analyze the data provided?
- Maintain a high level of confidence? Recover quickly if confidence falls?
- Display a sense of humor?
- Generate creative solutions, beyond the expected answer?
- State a recommendation and back it up with confidence? And sell it?
- Produce a good, short summary quickly upon request? (30-90 seconds).
- Would you have this person on your team? Y/N
- Would you pass on / give an offer to this person? Y/N